27 January 2009

Order from Tuty for her dad's 65th bday bash. This gal is without a doubt our best customer and in fact she should be given a VIP card member (if we have one la) for her repeating orders and positive (and crazy) comments towards Eda Cupcakes. After her family dinner with her dad, she text me as follows (at 12 midnite!):

"..Da, jgn marah k mun mek madah tok (erkk! what did I do? Cupcakes spoiled? They don't like the designs/taste?) . Cupcakes sik cukup! Nang nyaman, suma maok lagik (laa..lega rasa. ingat pahal tek. Ne tauk kenak bantai customer sik puas ati ka apa..). Your cupcakes make everybody happy, thanks again (welkam Tuty!).." Haa.. begitulah al kisahnya customer haku yg gila2 sorang nie :-)

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