25 October 2009

mini cakes for hantaran

Zairiza requested a set of 16pc mini fondant cakes for hantaran. This order was received in the midst of us getting ready for our event at tHe Spring. I probably shouldn't have accepted this kind of order as it was time consuming and I had to bake and decorate dozens of cupcakes for our stall at the same day. But reading her text to me, (sigh) I just couldn't let her down...

'..ala kak, 16pc jak bah. utk hantaran. Kelak kamek bank in payment k?'

when I accepted this order, trust me it wasn't because of RM (although she's willing to pay whatever the price may be). But the way I look at it, this was a good opportunity for me to vary our wedding/hantaran products. I've never done a mini fondant cake before so I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to try making them. Although I know I'd spent sleepless nights and become a zombie just to finish them.

the thing is, even though they're just 16pc of them, but you have no idea how much time and effort involved in completing just one of these mini cakes. Each mini cake has to be covered smoothly with fondant before it is decorated. And I spent hours just to get a smooth and prefectly covered surface (yes, it's not easy to cover it with fondant. Well at least for a newbie like me).

then comes the decorating part. Luckily no roses are involved, just simple forget-me-nots which I made using flower cutter. Since Zairiza wanted her mini cakes to resemble those in the picture, so I just follow the pattern and colors.

below is the sample given by Zairiza. I wish she had some sort of link or something as to where she got this picture. Else I could quote the rightful owner of this design if she knew where she got it. To the owner of this design, here's a credit to your lovely creation.

and here was the one I made, my first attempt in mini cakes. A far cry from the originals that is. Well, you could say there are still rooms for improvement. I'll make sure I'll be perfecting this skill once I got the time to spare. Promise!

I thought the cake would've looked better with a ribbon at the base. But as requested, just follow the exact design. No nothing.

thanks Zairiza for this order. Sorry and thank you for everything. Sorry kelam kabut & byk kekurangan kmk sana sini. Tengkiu kerana cayak ngan kmk molah order tok. Makseh byk2x!

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