10 December 2008

The Spring Xmas Bazaar!

As u all know, we've recently launched Eda Cupcakes at tHe Spring Xmas Bazaar and oh boy.. what have we got ourselves into? Our stall was really happening and there was such a HUGE crowd gathering and looking at our arrays of colorful cupcakes. Frankly, I didn't expect it to be THAT overwhelming but hey..rezeki baby bah! Alhamdulillah, Kuchingites really do love our cupcakes and my heart goes out to each and everyone of you who've been so supportive of Eda Cupcakes and thank you for all the feedbacks and comments.. *muahs*!

Cuppies for sale at the Spring Xmas Bazaar.. (i'll let the pictures do the talking)...

I actually didn't manage to finish my cupcakes so I brought some of it to the stall and frost it. And as I've predicted, it attracted a lot of crowd to our stall.. (hmm, marketing strategy..).

Order from a sweet gal, Intan Sykira. Thank you dear..


Me said...

uisk...!!!ur cupcakes look so yummiee... rs mok beli jak eh...esp the 1 with chocolate topping ya....msti nyaman...mok g spring eh...mok beli....

w e e . said...
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