03 December 2008


These were for my long-lost friend Erida who was getting engaged and she requested a hantaran for her fiance. I packed this in a clear, transparent box and got them to a craft store to be decorated nicely with organza ribbons and butterflies (have to outsource coz I misplaced my glue gun and she was on her way to pick this up). Since I forgot to snap a picture of it (with ribbons), I'm waiting for Erida to forward me the picture later. So to Erida & Othman, selamat bertunang & semoga berbahagia sehingga ke jinjang pelamin.. Wewitt..!

As i'm busy preparing for my next event, I managed to slot in a last-minute order from Safura. She wanted to surprise her friend Alia and since it was a last-minute order, she let me decide on the colors/design of the cupcakes (i like that). To Safura & Alia, thank you and have a great bday bash together!

Here's Safura's email to us : "slm kak eda..the cupcakes was delicious...everyone loves it especially the birthday girl...my friends took times before they eat the cupcakes b'coz it is so cute they even took pictures before they eat it...hehehe"

Again peeps, it's going to be a happening event this weekend for Eda Cupcakes since we're launching our cupcakes at The Spring Xmas Bazaar from 6 till 25 Dec 2008. Don't miss the opportunity to meet the amazing team behind Eda Cupcakes (us of course!) and drool over colorful cupcakes that we have there ok? So see you there :-)


Precious said...

aloooo eda! those are so pretty!!!!!!! how i wish i was in kch....nal coba ur cuppies. But yeah, kenak amik gambar banyak2 lok , then baruk makan. cute eh!
all the best my fren!

(_.·´¯`·×» candies said...
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Zazza Kushairi :) said...

nah! kamek baruk beli cupcake ktk kat springs @ happy new year cupcake!! so yummy! maok order kelak. hokhok!

o_o said...
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