11 January 2009

Happy Chinese New Year 2009

Xin Nian Kuai Le... Ermm.. 'Xin' word was a lil bit, teeny weeny wrongly written there..!

Gong Xi Fa Cai, Hong Pau Na Lai! Hehee... It's the year of the Ox for 2009 and we here at Eda Cupcakes would like to take this opportunity to wish our chinese customers, family and friends a very Happy Chinese New Year 2009. CNY orders are now open till 23rd Jan (check ordering calendar as follows). Again, please book us earlier to avoid disappoinment at the very last minute. Please secure your slot by making payment in advance so everybody could have smooth process around here ok peeps?

Now back to cupcakes. I tried decorating these designs last nite and wasn't very sure at first, whether I've got the chinese calligraphy right or wrong. And when I refered to my chinese colleagues this morning, gosh! I totally screwed at the 'Xin' word. My mandarin teacher would surely be upset if he knew this. Although I was chinese-schooled and I learnt mandarin during my childhood days but hey, that was like thousand years ago! And now, after so many years without practising it, I really suck at writing, reading and even speaking in Mandarin was like a rojak language already. Luckily I have few chinese colleagues here who refused to talk to me other than in mandarin. So guess I have to force myself to brush up my mandarin if I didn't want to waste the skills...

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