21 January 2009

This one came from Diana Labung of Sanmina. She requested a set A for her colleague, Stephanie. The theme was diva/princess, so I drew a lil cute bikini, 'Jolie's lip' and a simple tiara. But I guess it would've looked merrier and more colorful if it was Set B or C but nonetheless, thanks Diana and hope u girls have a blast during the bday bash *xoxo*


Dy said...

hehehe.. great things starts small... so they say :) our order might initially be small... but hoping for more in coming days! :)

We had great fun and everyone LOVED the cuppycakes! :)

Thanks heaps!

~Eda Cupcakes~ said...

thanks diana, of course we value each and everyone of our customers and their orders. Be it big or small orders :-)