09 February 2009

computer keyboard design inspired by Cupcake Dazzle, thanks gurls.

Despite all measurements taken to ensure our cupcakes are delivered safely to your hands, but sometimes, things just happened when you least expected it. This was a heartbreak story from Naana and I really pity her for that. She emailed yesterday telling me how pleased and excited she was with the cupcakes. These were actually a surprise bday gift for her boyfriend, with computer / computer games theme she had specifically requested me to draw. And as she stepped out of the car to meet her bf, she accidently dropped the cupcake box she was holding and some of the designs were ruined due to that. Her bf didn't even got the chance to look at it as well. Poor thing! Laa.. Jgn sedih2 ok naana, tok jak yg termampu kmk molah utk tatapan ktk & bf ktk. Sik hal lain kali leh order gk k..? Nway tq for your order naana..

1 comment:

Naana Dolhan said...

ur welcome kak...
lak mek order gik aaa.. order k birthday mek pun jak.. ehehhe...
thanx coz dpt jwak itak plh design computer2 ya.. eheheh... nice job kak!!!