09 February 2009

For my brother's 28th bday (a.k.a Uncle Ebby, as wat my doter fondly call him), I baked 50 pcs of mixed cupcakes as a gift. At first was clueless on the theme, but after figuring it out, I decided on few items that I knew he's addictive of. Music (hence the iPod, guitar), sports car/skyliner (my version looked more like a mom's cab than a skyliner), badminton (he's a good player/coach) and of course, his PSP. We had such a blast during the family gath and all cousins were suprised to learn that there's actually a cupcaker hiding in our family. Hehe.. Of course they were totally in awe as this was the first time my cupcakes made its debut in our big family event. Nway, hepi bday bro.. moga pjg umo, murah rzki & diberkati selalu.. Amin!

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