01 March 2009

Top layer : choc mousse drizzled with choc ganache
Bottom layer : cheesecake (baked)
chocolate cheesecake
Last week was indeed a 'cheesecake-week' as I received quite a number of cheesecake orders from regular customers. One of them is of course my sweet neighbour, Ayumi. She wanted a simple chocolate cheesecake for makan2 and to satisfy her craving (k simpan lam fridge juak, kedong tukang molah dah sik nerimak order gk..hehe). I usually prefer a tall cake but this however, was a bit short to my liking. Just realized last nite that the cake tin I used for this cake was actually a 9in cake tin! No wonder. But nonetheless, so glad that Ayumi liked the cake. Tahniah dah jadi mak buyong.. take care & hepi2 slalu. Padah chimong jgn jeles :-)

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