01 March 2009

snickers cheesecake

top layer: choc ganache sprinkled with roasted peanuts and caramel sauce
mid layer : baked cheesecake
bottom layer : grounded biscuits

Another cheesecake order came from Diana. She had booked for this cake a month ago and it was for her dad's bday celebration. I experimented with fondant alphabets for the wording and in case you're wondering, A'PU means DADDY in lunbawang language. Yup, Diana is one of those rare Lunbawang gals with ravishing beauty. And I absolutely admire her hair! Nway, thanks Diana for your order.

1 comment:

Dy said...

Hey, i'm SO sorry i've not visited your blog after getting the cake. I thought you'll be busy with the wedding project and all. I must say - i didn't expect the letterings on the cake - but it was ABSOLUTELY gorgeous. And... the cake... OH! GASP! Absolutely to DIE for... SINFULLY DELICIOUS! We all loved it! Brought some for my colleagues and they're all BEGGING for more - but i told them my supplier on her break now :)

to all the cheesecake lovers out there - this cake is DEFINATELY a MUST TRY! you dont know what cheesecake is, till you try this!

Thanks mate! More to come!

(pssttt: my son HATES my hair!)