20 October 2009


This is the reason of my anticipation, my happiness and truly a remembrance for the rest of my life - EDA CUPCAKES 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Wow, time really flies doesn't it? Here I am, at 2.42am, looking back at our first few entries written last year, earliest photos of our creation and flashing back all the memories I've had throughout our lil cupcake journey.

I hate to sound this cheesy but I just couldn't help it. Eda Cupcakes means a whole world to me (besides my loved ones of course). The experience is so surreal.. I mean, it's amazing how this simple hobby and passion of mine turned into a part time, home based business. Who would've thought.. From just a humble request by family and friends, to individuals and even large corporate orders. Even I need to pinch myself at times just to see whether this is true. Gosh, what a milestone... words just don't describe how exhilarating the feeling is to be able to come this far.

Our journey started from a very simple request. And that request was from my daughter who wanted none other than her own birthday cupcakes for her party last year. This was what it looked like and it sure looked so amateur coz this was my first time baking and decorating ...

And i remembered in October last year, my first large order (konon la..) of 50pc cupcakes came from my own cousin, Flavia. I baked and decorated these for her school's ramah tamah aidilfitri... (euww...burok nya design).

And gradually, with patience, passion and persistency (yes, the 3 important Ps in any business), I've acquired moderate skills, a small quantity of knowledge and a teeny weeny bit of confidence to take orders from people outside of my own family members. And most of them I don't really know who but somehow, they trusted me (auww..). Can you believe it? I actually get paid to do things I love to do!

And there goes my creation. From a simple design like this...

to a more unique and customised design like this...

and from birthday cupcakes to weddings and hantaran. This was our very first tiered wedding cupcakes...

and this.. I think was our 2nd wedding order...

it all takes A LOT of courage, hardwork, tears, blood and sweat (haha.. no lah, but sweat maybe.) to stay in this business. There are times that I wanted to quit, but I told myself to be strong and just hang in there. When the going gets tough, sometimes I do feel like giving up. But as time pass by, I learn to deal with it one step at a time. And at this point, a tremendous amount of support from my other half has been very helpful all the way :-p

It's true, nobody's perfect. And one thing I learnt, you can't please everybody around you. I've been scolded before but I just had to swallow it and put on a brave face. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger ain't it?

Nonetheless, you can't really beat the feeling of joy when seeing your content customer walking away happily with your cupcakes in their hands. I truly appreciate this kind of people who are open to discussion, who are appreciative and supportive of what you're doing through good or bad times. They are down to earth people, from nobody to somebody whom later became my friends (and later became our regular customers). They are just awesome. And for that I'm forever grateful....

I can't possibly find another sentence or word to jot down here.. But I just would like to dedicate this special tribute to the wonderful people in my life, who've been giving me the kind of support that no one else can. To my kids, for being my cupcake testers and kitchen helpers (mama loves you). To dear hubby, for being my pillar of strength and my sole general worker *wink*. To fellow cupcakers (you know who you are), thank you for the friendship. And last but not least to YOU! - our loyal blog readers, followers, customers, family and friends. We won't be here if it wasn't because of your support, love and understanding. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

~ Eda Cupcakes ~

1 comment:

Haizales said...