16 October 2009

The Poppies Precious Little Ones Fair 2009 - Part II

Salam and greetings to all. This is the final part of the PPLO event that we're gonna share with you. An event filled with excitement and fun activities! After much publicity, I do hope you were there to join and witness the excitement. But if you didn't make it, then let's just read on to find out what took place during this biggest baby fair ever held in Kuching...

here's what we sold during the event. Funny thing was a few of our booth visitors actually asked me whether these cupcakes are edible or just some decorations! Haha.. 'they look too pretty to be eaten'.. Some of the comments we received :-)

when i was a kid, i used to be at awe watching bakers piping messages on my bday cake whenever my parents took me to bakery store to order a bday cake. And now, I couldn't believe i'm doing the same thing to those kids watching me, the same way I used to feel ages ago. So strange...

Me entertaining some of our booth visitors. The 2 ladies holding the catalogue are tHe Spring management staff (forgot their names, I'm SO sorry!). They can't decide on which set to order.. hehe.. No worries ladies, you can always contact me whenever you've decided on your order ok?

Some of the fab activities was the face painting. And the best part was, it was FREE! Here's my lil daughter Ayra with her face nicely painted already. She waited in that long que for almost an hour just to get this!

And this is my cousin, Flavia. Hers was rather eye catching - a pinkish Mariposa design. Everyone just loved looking at her and I think she enjoyed the attention she got that day *wink*

Another great activity was the Crocs Jumble competition. Hb and I had never planned to take part on anything since we were too busy at our booth. But somehow our friend Shelly pushed us into taking part since she also won on the day before. Then we thought, ok. There's no harm in trying...

The idea was to find the correct pair of shoes (with the same color and size) and paired them as many as you can in 3 minutes. The wives sorted them out, the hubbies ran and paired them at the opposite site of the stage. Here you can see my hubby was 'sprinting' to beat the other guy...

We thought we just wanted to do this for fun (and for the sake of silencing Shelly who can't stop nagging us to join).. But during the first half of the game, we realized we were in the lead! So from there we went non-stop until we were puffing out of breath (my hubby that is, I'm just there doing the sorting, hehe)...

And guess what, we WON! The prize? A RM500 voucher from Crocs! Wow! That's 3 pairs of Crocs shoes for free!

We've always been a Crocs fan. Everyone in the family, except for my baby Nell, owns a pair of Crocs. They're SO comfy and brightly colored! So when we were given a chance to choose our own Crocs for free, we went nuts almost instantly at the Poppies store!

My hubby didn't get to own one coz he can't find his shoe size (out of stock). Tedah.. lelah2 berekot tp sekda kasut, hehe! So we picked our fave. I picked this green wedges heels, they look so stylish! Ayra picked a limited edition Hello Kitty Crocs and for Nell - thomas and friends theme. We'll save his shoes once he can walk later. Gosh we sure had a great fun with this gift! Thank you Crocs and thank you POPPIES!

So that's about it, our event with the PPLO last weekend. Hope Poppies will make PPLO fair an annual event and we sure look forward to dealing with them again. Adios :-)

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