01 December 2008

Tun Jugah Flea Market Sales

The Darling Bake & Cooking (Nini)

We have our 2nd stall opened during the Flea Market Sale at Tun Jugah Mall last weekend. Again the response was amazing. The funny thing was I had so many people came up to me and ask whether my cupcakes are real. They said it looked soo..pretty that they thought the cupcakes were fake! Haha.. Some aunties even asked where my retail shop is, and whether they can get my cupcakes anytime of the day or not...etc.

OK, firstly, Eda Cupcakes is a home/online-based business and that means we only operate from home. 2ndly, our cupcakes are bake to order, meaning I don't provide whole lot of cuppies for people to buy daily. I only bake cupcakes if you placed your order ahead of time. OK peeps? Hope that clears up everything. I wished I could do more with this passion of mine but unfortunately, we only get 24hrs per day. And with all the juggling between office work, home task and cupcakes (and not forgetting 6-month old baby in my tummy), I've got plenty of 'balancing work' to do here...

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