19 February 2009

This was a second order from Kak Ross (tengkiu kak!). She wanted to have the cupcakes for her officemates farewell party. To be honest, when it comes to writing names of your friends on each cupcake, there's quite a limitation to my creativity since I couldn't write a name and draw an image on the same cupcake due to its limited space. With time constraints, I just played along with the colors and really hope that I won't let Kak Ross down. Wished I could've done more (sketching, go find suitable images/themes on the internet) but *sigh*... Just got no time. Anyway, TQ kak Ross once again. Boh jerak k?

1 comment:

kak_ross said...

makseh eda...sik mek jerakkoh..lain kali mun ada gik kmk oder ngan ktk..k
sebenarnya cupcake tok pakey anak kmk bak kat opisnya di TMPOINT Bt Lintang masa last day nya keja sia sblm berangkat pegi KL..macam kmk juak koh cdak kwn2 anak kmk ya..suma rasa sayang indah nak makan dolok cupcake yg ada nama dikpun, suma tunggu petang nak pulang bok dimakan, kakan juak 'aura' cupcake kitak ya owh..menar juak bah,cdak suk diat nama dikpun ditulis atas cupcake gia..bab ya macam sik sanggup indah nak musnah nama dikpun..hehe..tahniah eda..bak rehat juak, jgn koat gilak keja..baby lam perut ya mok dipikir juak..mudah2an kitak slamat beranak klak..Amin..!!!