11 October 2012

My Big Break

I was chowing down on my big bowl of laksa when suddenly my iphone rang.

"Assalamualaikum. Ini Eda Cupcakes ke?"

" Waalaikumsalam. A'ah kak Eda ler ni " (Great. Another customer call. Wrong time. Urgh.)

" OK kak. Saya ni Aimi Syazana, Brand Analyst dari Wanita Inspirasiku TV3. Saya call dari kolumpo ni kak. Just nak bagitau yang saya nak jemput akak untuk join event kitorang di Karnival Jom Heboh, Stadium Negeri sabtu ni. Kalau boleh kami nak akak sediakan Dessert Table untuk booth Wanita Inspirasiku selama 2 hari. Hihihi... Nasib baek saya terjumpa blog akak ni dalam internet. Itu pun dah naik jenuh cari sebab saya tak kenal sapa-sapa kat Kuching. So akak nak tak? "

(At this point, I was chocking terribly on my laksa. Face turned red and had to get myself a drink first before I responded).

*cricket sound*

" Hello? Akak ok ke? Akak terkejut ek.. Hihihi.."

The oh-so-pretty Candy Cart provided for me.

Hot day!

My lil elf who was very eager to help. Just because so she could snap some pictures with her fave celebrities!

The Dessert Table aka Candy Buffet spread I did. All candies were for sale. 

On top of that, I was asked to give a demo on cupcakes decorating together with local artiste who were present that day. They were Hanif (Anak Wayang), Nazim Othman (Kau Yang Terindah), Watie (Elite), Erry Putra, Emilda Rosmila and many more. Unlike Ayra and some other screaming fans, I wasn't too starstruck to see them. Mak ok jer..

With Hanif and Nazim Othman.

Both guys are actually quite skillful and they've got pretty neat piping!

Nazim wrote his name on the cupcakes and sold them to his adoring fans. All profits went to Tabung Bersamamu TV3.
This ex-steward sold his cupcake for a whopping RM30 each!

It's definitely not easy having a famous face I tell you. It was scorching hot and yet they still need to smile and pose for the camera. All for a good cause.

My 5 seconds shot to fame :D

When I posted all these pictures in our facebook page, there were so many positive comments and feedback I received. Many of you were also excited to see me on tv and congratulated me for this big break. Auww... I'm so touched. Thank you uols. You guys were my really big supporters and I really appreciate all that *hugs*

And of course, I couldn't have done it without this lady. If it wasn't for her effort in googling me over the internet, I wouldn't be there. Thank you Aimi Syazana. I look forward to working with your great team again next year.


Zain said...

Noi, ask her when is the new sequel for SuperMak :) just in case if she was looking for replacement candidate for the main heroine of this drama series. Anyway, so proud to say that u r among one of the greatest SuperMak! hehehe..

~Eda Cupcakes~ said...

Haha.. Then I need to shed serious kilos before I appear on tv. Nway, thanks for the kind words. People like you keep me going :D